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Be Brave and Imagine..... 8 weeks of being creatively, authentically you!


If you can imagine, you can believe!  You will be inspired by the power of your Artist's Soul and your Creative Spirit.  Often the fear of not knowing what to do or the fear of doing something wrong stops us from pursuing our creative desires.  Do you imagine creating art that is free flowing? Do you have a sense of remorse for the loss of creativity in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed by the feelings of I'm not good enough? Comparisons and self judgement?

Imagine there are no mistakes in the creative process! Open up yourself to the possibilities of a much larger world of self-expression!  Change your thoughts, change your life, be brave!  Imagine making art that is authentically you!  Art comes to us instinctively; creativity is intertwined with everyday life!  Let's get making art that is creativity, authentically you!  Get those juices flowing and take a journey of self-discovery!

Join me on this 8 week online mixed media program, make the time weekly to focus on you and your creativity, gain the confidence to feel into your own creative process, learn to understand the importance of rituals and sacred space.  Art reflects life, life reflects art.  Everyone welcome, all experiences and skills.

Imagine...Learning To

Foster a daily creative practice
Find sacred space
Build a body of work
Honor your creativity
Start to develop your style

Take some creative risks
Work with your creative process
Understand your visual language
Create a visual narrative
Find inspiration and support in a safe group
Share in a way that feels authentic and important to you



I joined Tracy B Brave thinking of myself as a "crafter" (I was very good at following a pattern or copying something visually like a traditional paint night) hoping to learn from her.  She told us at that point we were all Artists.  Working on my creations with Tracy has brought me a feeling of still and calm in a sometimes too busy crazy world.  She has challenged me to follow my vision (and trust me sometimes they are on a pretty big scale and hard to follow)  and let it lead me in the process of creating.  Tracy guides my vision through her artistic eye without making it her vision.  When I create with Tracy it is not exactly like a demo, sometimes it isn't even the same medium I am using, because she encourages individuality and vision.  Tracy has taught me to think about perception, perspective and colour story as I create.  She has shown me there is no wrong in art but there are techniques that can be utilized to bring your vision to life.  I still have many things to learn and avenues to discover with Tracy on my artistic journey.  I am an "Artist" on a journey guided by a wonderfully patient and encouraging teacher.  I am truly blessed to have Tracy in my life.

Carla L.


There is a saying that says "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."  This little  nugget sums up how my relationship with Tracy began; newly retired, I was looking for an opportunity to learn how to paint.  Tracy, fortunately for me, appeared as teacher, mentor, guide and friend.  Tracy is very welcoming, positive and knowledgeable about all kinds of art, as is evident in the way she interacts with her students.  She is kind and warm hearted with the ability to bring out the creativity in others.  Knowing her and learning from her has definitely enriched my life.   I hope to continue to learn more and more about art in the future.  Thanks Tracy!

Louise K.



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Did you know you already have the most important things you need, your unique energy and the bravery to go for it!  The Be Brave and Imagine course will give you the help you need to develop the tools you have to begin the journey into expressing your individual art with your unique voice. 

In this 8 week program you will get:

Online Zoom Workshop

8 Live Zoom Calls

We will discuss the weeks topic​

Work on a Creative Exercise

Check in on how everyone is doing

Q & A

These calls are 2 hours in length and recorded

Mondays 7pm - 9pm Central Standard Time


8 Learning Modules

PDF's to support & deepen your Creative Practice

Delivered Tuesday via email


Weekly Email Check in

Check in with me by email

Share the development of your body of work

Delivered Sunday to my email


  4 Friday Studio Visits

You receive a visit to my studio​

I will share my Creative Process

1/2 hour in length Recorded 


2 Co-Creating time together on Zoom

Explore and dig into our work together​

These calls are 2 hours in length, NOT recorded.

Saturdays 10:00am Central Standard Time


Access to Private Facebook Group

A safe, nurturing space to gather.


Be Brave

Registration Closed for 2024

Email tracyb.brave@gmail
with any Be Brave questions

© 2020 by Tracy B. Brave.  PROUDLY CREATED WITH WIX.COM

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